Sunday, August 2, 2015

Putting An Ice Cube On The Back Of Your Head Will Rejuvenate You

There was a Facebook post that I have stumbled upon a couple of months ago. It is a healing method that claims to make you look younger and full of energy, and supposedly has the power to make some illness disappear.

That method is by placing an ice cube on the back of your head, specifically, the hollow part of your nape where exactly your head and neck meet. In Chinese acupuncture and acupressure, that part is called "Feng Fu," a pressure point.


  1. Lie on your stomach (or sit, if you prefer) and place an ice cube (about 2 x 2 cm) at the Feng Fu Point. 
  2. Hold it for 20 minutes, so it is better to hold the ice cube by tying a bandage or scarf around your neck to keep it secure.

This method must be done regularly twice a day for best results. (with breaks of 2-3 days) First is in the morning on an empty stomach, while the other is at night before going to bed. And for those who might think they will going to catch a cold with this method, you will not.

Although you might sense coldness from the start while doing this method, but after 30-40 seconds, you will feel the heat at the Feng Fu Point. By the first few days you will have a feeling of euphoria due to the release of endorphins into the bloodstream.

The initial benefits of this method is improved sleep, excellent mood, rejuvenated vitality, and improvement of the digestive tract. And since ice is normally used for elevated temperatures such as fever, this method will prevent you from catching colds. In addition, it can heal headaches, toothaches and joint pains.

Furthermore, the effect of this method also helps with the following diseases:
  •     Respiratory diseases;
  •     Cardiovascular diseases;
  •     Neurological diseases with degenerative changes of the spine;
  •     Acute, gastrointestinal and sexually transmitted infections;
  •     Disorders of the thyroid gland;
  •     Arthritis, hypertension and hypotension;
  •     Bronchial asthma;
  •     Disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, obesity and malnutrition;
  •     Cellulite (especially in the prevention at an early stage);
  •     Disorders of the menstrual cycle and endocrine infertility;
  •     Psycho-emotional disorders, stress, chronic fatigue, depression, insomnia.
While the Feng Fu Ice method does not heal any disease, it still keeps physiological balance, rejuvenates the body, and gives a strong impulse to life. However, do not try this method if you are pregnant, have a pacemaker, or suffering from epilepsy or schizophrenia.

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